Remembering Those Who Sacrificed All

by Lynn on May 24, 2015

Memorial-DayOver this Memorial Day weekend, we honor the brave men and women of our military who sacrificed all to secure and maintain the freedoms we enjoy.

President Bush had some poignant words for this day in 2003.

On Memorial Day, Americans place flags on military graves, walk past a wall of black granite in Washington, D.C., and many families think of a face and voice they miss so much. Today, we honor the men and women who have worn the nation’s uniform and were last seen on duty. From the battles of Iraq and Afghanistan, to the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, to the trials of World War, to the struggles that made us a nation, today we recall that liberty is always the achievement of courage.

And today we remember all who have died, all who are still missing and all who mourn. And on this day, especially, our nation is grateful to the brave and fallen defenders of freedom. In every generation of Americans we have found courage equal to the tasks of our country. The farms and small towns and city streets of this land have always produced free citizens who assume the discipline and duty of military life. And time after time, they have proven that the moral force of democracy is mightier than the will and cunning of any tyrant. – George W. Bush, Arlington National Cemetery, May 26, 2003

While we enjoy the company of family and friends this weekend, let us pause to remember those who never made it home to their own families. May we also remember those who returned home wounded and broken, and to pray for healing of all service members and their families who continue to mourn.

On the journey toward Home,

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Robin May 26, 2015 at 6:39 pm

Lovely tribute


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